UTX has the Most Experienced and Technically Trained Parts & Service Team

Donny Arroyo – Specialty Parts Manager
“My philosophy is to help the customer get exactly what they need from me so we can complete the job. I want my customers to have a good feeling that we’re here to help them. I’ve worked here for 23 years and the best part of my job is the variety of things I do and there is always a new challenge. Since specialty parts are made-to- order I really listen to my customers to understand their situation – we talk through the problem so we can solve it with the right part.“
Alex Santana – Service Manager
“I’ve been in this industry for 31 years! I’ve worked in tear down, as a builder, a service tech and now as the service department manager. We all have fun and enjoy the work we do and that’s why we produce awesome results. I want customers to feel satisfied, happy and know that UTX is the place for them. If they have a question for us, we’ll get them an answer! We give our customers the best service and the best price!”
Genuine and rebuilt Allison parts
- Aftermarket parts
- Master distributor for Orscheln
- T-handle shifters
- Custom dipsticks
- Cables – emergency brake, modulator, PTO, push/pull
- Keypads
- Master harness repair
- Air modulators
Offering remove and repair at our facility or yours
- Remove and replace transmissions
- In-house service or field service
- Diagnostics/troubleshooting
- Service transmission –
- Change transmission oil, adjust hydraulic units, update TCMs on electronic units
- Adjust or un-adapt the shifts
- Specialty lifts for firetrucks and articulated buses
- Road test
- Hot Flush system
- Repair drivelines & U-Joints
- Replace and adjust PTOs